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The Aviation Training Centre at Kurumoch Airport offers a new Aviation English language training program for pilots and air traffic controllers, starting September.

The language room where the training is performed is now equipped with anetworked personal computer and headset (headphone and microphone apparatus) ateach seat. This allows a teacher to act as an air traffic controller and speakeither to the whole group or to a student individually, but also to useaudio-visual teaching aids. Each student being placed in a real time simulatedair traffic environment that includes contextually accurate background radiochatter and control instructions.

This allows a pilot or an air traffic controller in training to be fullyimmersed in the atmosphere of a western airport, but also to use the languagefor both phraseology and plain English in radiotelephony in routine and non-routinecommunications.

The lesson materials used in our Aviation English courses have beendeveloped by RMIT English Worldwide - Melbourne, one of Australia’smost experienced English language schools, and created specifically for ICAOEnglish proficiency training.

In order to evaluate the languageproficiency level of the pilots and air traffic controllers who have completedtraining at the Aviation Training Centre of Kurumoch, a criterion-referencedproficiency test, RMIT English Language Test for Aviation (RELTA), is usedhere. The RELTA has been developed by the specialists of the above-mentioned Australia’seducational institution and is used to assess speaking and listeningproficiency in the six language criteria: Pronunciation, Structure, Vocabulary,Fluency, Comprehension and Interaction for the six ICAO levels.

Kurumoch International Airport has concluded a corresponding agreement withMoscow Aviation Institute that directly collaborates with RMIT University:therefore, the students’ language proficiency level is now assessed here atSamara by two trained and accredited raters. A final decision on whether thesepilots or air traffic controllers meet the ICAO language proficiencyrequirements is taken by an independent expert in Melbourne, after receipt of a CD containing therecorded interactions between the teacher and the student during the exam atSamara.

Two groups of pilots have successfully completed this new AviationEnglish language training program by now. Nearly 90 per cent of those participantshave demonstrated their English language proficiency at ICAO Operational Level4 of the ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale and been licensed to operate oninternational routes. 

For reference: 

The AirportAviation Training Centre was opened in 2004. It provides the highest qualityprofessional ground staff training, from basic training and refresher coursesthrough to further education and supplementary professional qualifications.

Since 2009, the Aviation Training Centre hasbeen offering a number of basic training courses and refresher courses, amongwhich are the following: General and Aviation English for Pilots and FlightCrews (ICAO levels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4), Aviation English for Pilots (ICAO levels4 and 5 for those using English and R/T communication on international routes),as well as basic training courses on Aviation Law, International FlightOperations, and Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation.Besides, anAviationEnglish language training program for foreign built aircraft maintenance engineershas been developed and approved. 

All training is performed by highlyqualified educational personnel from the Airport regular staff. The AviationEnglish courses are taught by experienced aviation English teachers who holdcorresponding international teaching licenses / certificates.  

The total number of the training programmes offered at the Airport’sAviation Training Centre now amounts to nearly 80. 

03 September 2010 Kurumoch International Airport has released its monthly traffic figures for August 2010 which show passenger numbers up 12.5% over the same month last year. 29 September 2010 A new route to Istanbul is due to launch from Kurumoch International Airport this winter.
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