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On the Day of Knowledge – September 1, Air Transport College of Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU) at Kurumoch Airport welcomed its new students and future graduates.

On September 1, a celebratory assemblydedicated to the Knowledge Day took place at Kurumoch Airport.The representatives of SSAU’s administration, the management of the Airport aswell as the College teaching staff all congratulated the students on thisoccasion and wished them success in their studies. Those who had obtained fullmarks in the previous year got award letters.

The Air Transport College now offersspecialty courses on Air Transport Management (with a specialization on AviationSecurity and Safety), Transport Service Organization and Aircraft and EngineMaintenance.

On September 1, the Collegeas well as other educational institutions in this country welcomed both itsfreshmen and those who would become its first graduates a few months later.

This academic year, 55newcomers have joined the College, thereby increasing the total number ofstudents to 180.


The Air TransportCollege of SamaraState AerospaceUniversity (SSAU) was created in 2007to expand the Aviation Training Centre of Kurumoch International Airport.

Earlier, considering the increasing demand of the Volga region aircompanies for highly-qualified aviation specialists of secondary and highervocational level, Kurumoch International Airport has taken the lead of thecreation of the Air Transport Educational Complex in the Volga region. Theinitiative was seized by the Government of the Samara Region, the Volga RegionAir Transport District of the Federal Air Transport Agency, the VolgaSupervisory Department for Aviation of the Federal Air Transport Service andthe Samara Region’s security agencies. As a result, the AirTransport Collegeof Samara State Aerospace University (SSAU) wasopened and  in 2007 welcomed its firststudents.

Initially, the Air Transport Collegeoffered specialty courses on Air Transport Management (with a specialization onAviation Security and Safety). Specialty courses on Transport ServiceOrganization and Aircraftand Engine Maintenance were also introduced in 2008. The AirTransport Collegeis now the first and only educational institution in Russia to train highly-qualifiedspecialists in the field of transportation security.

Theintroduction of the new specialty courses on Aircraft and Engine Maintenance allowsproviding targeted training of specialists for their further work for theWestern and Russian-built Aircraft Maintenance Centre, which will soon becreated as part of Kurumoch International Airport.  

26 August 2009 Kurumoch International Airport has taken part in a press-conference hosted by the Government of the Samara Region and devoted to the XI International Airspace Salon MAKS-2009. 08 September 2009 Another daily regular flight to Moscow offered by Ural Airlines will be launched from Kurumoch International Airport from September 22.
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