In his reportLeonid Shvarts, Airport Director General highlighted the results of theAirport’s business activity for 2009, specifying the Airport’s key operationalindicators for the previous year and its future development issues.
As for the number of handled passengers,Kurumoch airport ranks among top ten Russian airports.
Notwithstandingthe current global economic slowdown which caused a sharp and shocking fall in airtraffic, Kurumoch airport has demonstrated a positive financial result of 2009,the operating activities revenue being increased up to 58 177 rub., thatis fourfold over 2008. According to the reporting period data the most considerableincrease in the company’s revenue is aligned with focused actions to improve priceflexibility for rendered services, active development of aviation andnon-aviation activities, cost saving measures, economy policy regarding the use of financialand natural resources and maintenance work reduction.
Togetherwith the revenues other figures have increased recently. Service profitability showedelevenfold increase, operational efficiency was up by 6%, average monthlysalary rose by 7% during 2009.
ThereforeKurumoch International Airporthas successfully confirmed itself as a financially sustainable company by improvingits financial status during 2009.
In that context the Airport shareholdersconcluded to adopt the annual accounts and financial statements, pay outdividends in the amount of 26.26 rub. per each common share and elect the Boardof management and an independent accountant of Kurumoch International AirportOJSC.