Starting October 27, Kuban Airlines launches Krasnodar– Samara – Novosibirsknon-stop services.
Flights between Samara and Novosibirsk will beoffered each Wednesday, departing Samara at 03.45 am. and arriving to Novosibirsk at 09.00 am; departing Novosibirsk at 10.25 am. and arriving toSamara at 11.55 am.
From October 28, the Airline willoperate another scheduled flight Samara – Krasnodar,each Wednesday, departing Samara at 01.20 pm. and arriving to Krasnodarat 02.30 pm.; departing Krasnodarat 11.20 pm. (Tuesday) and arriving to Samara at 02.25 am. (Wednesday).
All timing is local.
Kuban Airlineswill offer the above services on Yak-42.
For detailed information on ticketsand fares for these flights, please visit the official website of KubanAirlines, contact the Airport’s Ticket Officeor call +7 846 9965148 (24 hours).