plans to operate the regular weekly flight between Samara andTel-Aviv on Boeing-737-500. The flight schedules are the following:UT-727 Samara – Tel-Aviv
The flight will be operated each Tuesday, departing Samara at 03.45 p.m.and arriving to Tel-Aviv at 06.10 p.m.
UT-728 Tel-Aviv – Samara
The flight will be operated each Wednesday, departing Tel-Aviv at 11.40 a.m. and arriving toSamara at 06.00 p.m.
All timing is local
The flight is expected to become one of the most popular among theresidents of the region this summer, also due to the establishment of a mutualvisa-free regime between Russiaand Israel.
For detailed information on tickets and fares, please contact theAirport’s Ticket Office or call +7 846 9965148 or visit the Airline’swebsite www.utair.ru.
Photo: www.avia.ru