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Passengers Corporate

Kurumoch International Airport has tabulated the results of its business activity for the first 11 months of 2008. The number of passengers handled by the Airport has increased 6.6% as compared with the same period last year.

A total of 1,368,320passengers were handled at Samara airport during the period from January to November2008, which is an increase of 84,443 or 6.6%. Along with that, a dynamic increase in passenger traffic through the Airportis recorded on the scheduled flights from Samara to Kaliningrad(+ 215.4%), Moscow (+8.5%), Tyumen(+167%) as well as some new scheduled flights to Nizhny Novgorod and Ufa. 

The highestnumber of passengers on international flights is certainly recorded on theroute Samara – Prague.Here the Airport has experienced growth to the tune of 23% as compared with thesame period last year. 

The numberof passengers flying to some countries of Europe and Asiahas also increased by 12.5%. The international charter flights to Barcelona, Varna,Iraclion and Sharm el-Sheikh being the most popular among the residents of theSamara Region.   

Such carriers as “Aeroflot-Russian Airlines”, “KD-AVIA”, “CzechAirlines”, “OrenburgAirlines”, “S7 Airlines” showed the most considerable increase in the figures ofthe 11 months of 2008. Kurumoch International Airport together with air carries is constantly striving towiden their route network as well as to increase the frequency of flights onthe existing destinations.

14 November 2008 Kurumoch International Airport has invested in new winter service vehicles for its winter maintenance programme. 11 December 2008 Kurumoch International Airport will soon offer another daily flight between Samara and Moscow.
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