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In the run-up to the upcoming winter season, the Aviation Training Centre of Kurumoch Airport offers scheduled professional ground staff training.

The specialists of theAirport’s Operations Control Service and Aerodrome Complex as well as otherdepartments are now taking scheduled training to operate in the new winterseason.

At the same time, at theCentre the Airport’s Fire Rescue presents an ongoing training programme to allthe Airport’s employees involved in aircraft ground handling and passengerhandling.

Additionally, the agentshandling passengers in the Business Terminal have started their Englishlanguage course.

Among the Aviation Training Centre’sclassrooms there is a dedicated and specially equipped aviationclassroom, which includes operating modern screening devices specifically forthe purpose of training our security personnel, a lecture hall, a languagelaboratory and a library with a rich fund of literature. All the classrooms areequipped with visual aids and technical training aids, which allows high quality training not only the Airport’s personnel but also other companies’staff.

Today, the Aviation Training Centre of the Airport offers 38 specialty courses.

The specialist Aviation TrainingCentre of Kurumoch International Airport was opened in 2004. The Centre is certified by the FederalAgency for Transport Supervision of the Transport Ministry of theRussian Federation and provides the highest quality professional groundstaff training, from basic training and refresher courses through tofurther education and supplementary professional qualifications.

All training is performed in accordance with the needs of the relevantAirport departments, such as Passenger Handling Service, CargoOperations, Aerodrome Service, Aviation Engineering Service, SpecialTransport Complex and others.

15 September 2008 Kurumoch International Airport has successfully completed its second annual ISO 9001:2000 compliance audit. 03 October 2008 Kurumoch International Airport has tabulated the results of its business activity for the first 9 months of 2008. The number of passengers handled by the Airport has increased 10%.
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