Ground handling service of “Kurumoch” international airport (forms part of Airports of Regions holding) during the year processed 1 173 120 luggage pieces, with the total weight of 16 556 019 kg.
Outgoing passengers registered as luggage 587 113 suitcases and bags which in aggregate weight 8 285 321 kg. Arriving travellers took from the belt of the luggage carousel 586 007 pieces of luggage with the total weight of 8 270 698 kg. The average weight of one suitcase of a passenger of the Samara airport-15 kg.
The airport statistics also includes “luggage geography”. Thus, among the flights to the South-Eastern Asia most of the suitcases belong to the passengers, who travel to Bangkok, on the post-USSR territory the leaders are Dushanbe and OSH, on domestic Russian flights — Moscow and Sochi. The largest amount of luggage is processed at the height of the holiday season in July and the least - in February.
“The passengers don't see the whole zone of the luggage package area, the size of which is comparable with the registration hall. Four luggage carousels are hidden beside the customary registration stalls. The suitcase, registered for the flight, travels on average 75 meters along the carousel. Then it is unloaded on the luggage towing car, depending on the parking place of the aircraft, the suitcase may further travel along the airfield apron the distance of up to 2 km, until it gets onboard the airplane”, tells Vyacheslav Gorshkov, head of the ground handling service of “Kurumoch” international airport.
Unloading one domestic flight takes up to 15 minutes, international — up to 25 minutes (the time is counted not from the moment of landing which is indicated on the information board, but from the moment of parking of the airplane). Loading luggage takes a little more time: it begins right after ending of registration, and all luggage must be onboard the plane not later that 10 minutes before dispatch of the plane.