Duringthe meeting, the parties have discussed the potential for cooperation in thefurther development of the Airport infrastructure.
, Director General of Kurumoch, has also met with Ronald Keller, Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary ofthe Kingdom of the Netherlandsto Russia,and Maarten van den Bergh, Deputy Director General of Dutch Ministryof Economic Affairs. Among the Dutch companies whose representatives have showntheir keen interest in cooperation with the Airport were Philips for energysaving products and NACO, Netherlands Airport Consultants B.V., for airportdesign and development. The Netherlands is one of the leadingtrade partners of the Samara region. The Dutch Trade and Economic Mission supportedby the government of the Samara region is held here in Samara from October 6till October 8, 2010. The Dutch companies represented in the mission include suppliersof water processing and watertreatment equipment, highperformance polymer materials, medical equipment, securitysystems, engineering and designservices, logistic services, industrialengineering, and banking services.