A total of 106,702 passengers werehandled at Kurumoch Airport in March 2010, whichis an increase of 25,449 (31.3%) over the same period last year. TheAirport has experienced a significant increase in passengerstravelling to such domestic destinations as Moscow,Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg,and Mineralnye Vody. The total number of domestic travellers handled at theAirport in March 2010 increased by 20.2%, while international passenger traffic(both scheduled and charter) grew by 77.3% as over the same period last year.The most popular destinations among air travellers departing from Samara beingDubai, Prague, Tel Aviv, Tashkent, Yerevan, but also the Egyptian resorts of Hurghadaand Sharm el Sheikh.
Together with the passenger trafficthrough Samara Airport, other figures have alsoincreased recently. In March 2010, mail and cargo traffic, including transitcargo, amounted to 329.3 tons, demonstrating growth by 26.8% over the levelrecorded in the comparable prior year period. The figures of aircraft movementsand maximum take-off weight (MTOW) remain practically the same as they were inMarch last year and amount to 1,356 movements and 88,300 tons, respectively.
Suchcarriers as “S7 Airlines”, “UTair”, “Avianova”, “Orenburg Airlines”, “Aeroflot - RussianAirlines” showed the most considerable increase in the figures of March 2010. Kurumoch International Airporttogether with air carries are constantly striving to widen their route networkas well as to increase the frequency of flights on the existing destinations.