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Kurumoch International Airport has successfully completed its second annual ISO 9001:2000 compliance audit.

The compliance audit was conducted within two days by the auditors of Bureau Veritas Certification, aworldwide leader in certification services. The company’s experts carried outthe compliance audit practically in all the Airport’s services and departments.

Following the results of the compliance audit, theAirport’s Quality Management System has been recognized as equivalent to theStandard requirements of ISO 9001:2000.

It is appropriate atthis point to recall that such a compliance audit is conducted once a year incompanies certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2000. The first renewal auditwas carried out at Kurumoch Airport a year ago.

In 2009, the Airport isexpected to pass its ISO 9001:2000 re-certification audit.


Kurumoch International Airport is the first Russian airport tosuccessfully complete its certification audit to ISO 9001:2000. Certificationhas confirmed that all the Airport services fully comply with modern internationallyexpected standards (Certificate № 200189 as of October 30, 2006, issued byBureau Veritas Certification).

Theprimary objectives of the Airport's quality management (those of passenger,baggage, cargo, mail and customer airline’s aircraft handling - includingnavigational support, aerodrome flight support and prompt aircraft maintenance,flight safety, flight regularity, aviation security and also training performedat the Airport’s Aviation Training Centre) have all met with the auditorsapproval.

The Airporthas implemented a Quality Management System complying with the requirements ofISO 9001:2000. This allows the Airport to continuously improve the efficiencyof its internal business processes in response to changes in the air transportservices market.

04 September 2008 Kurumoch International Airport has tabulated the results of its business activity for the first 8 months of 2008. The number of passengers handled by the Airport has increased more than 12% in comparison with the same period last year. 29 September 2008 In the run-up to the upcoming winter season, the Aviation Training Centre of Kurumoch Airport offers scheduled professional ground staff training.
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