The DistrictConference on the Volga Region transport system development chaired by thePresident authorized representative in the Volga Region, Grigory A. Rapota,took place in Nizhny Novgorod on October 3,2008. The event was assisted by the Federal and branch ministry authorities andbig transport companies spokesmen of the Volga Region.
The mainpoints discussed were particularly infrastructure, government order forsuburban railway service, existing local airlines status, Volgaregion aerodrome network upgrading and transport-logistic complex developmentas well as the compatible solutions to implement the investment projects in thefield of highway engineering.
Within theframework of the conference Leonid S. Shvartz, Kurumoch International AirportDirector General reported The Concept of Intra-regionaand Local Services Development in the Volga Region as a primary objective of the state aviation industrydevelopment and a part of the strategy determined by the Government and theMinistry of Transport of the Russian Federation. The revival of intra-regionaland local services is vital to preserve the strategic unity and aircommunication of this country.
Three keymeasures, such as the revival of the intra-regional routes, the development oflocal routes and general aviation, and light aviation personnel training serveas a basis of the concept.
To introducethe intra-regional flights is significant for the Airport’s viability as wellas to successfully promote the development of the Airport as a leading airtransport hub.
Previously theAirport’s concept of intra-regional and local services development was approvedby the Samara Region Government.
The Airportconcept was met with sheer enthusiasm by the President authorizedrepresentative of the Volga Region and the transport sector experts.