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Passengers Corporate

Kurumoch to Provide Free Catering for Quarantined Senior Citizens

The Airports of Regions holding, part of Renova Group, will daily prepare more than 3,000 full-board rations for senior citizens older than 65, locked in their homes because of COVID-19 coronavirus. Kurumoch airport also takes part in this action.
Despite the challenging economic situation in the aviation industry at large and losses incurred by airports in particular, the holding seeks to contribute to the common effort of fighting the pandemic and overcoming its consequences. The initiative is informed by the aspiration to help the most vulnerable group and will be realized in collaboration with volunteer organizations as well as social security services which will locate recipients and ensure the delivery of food kits. The action will last at least till April 15 as long as the lockdown for senior citizens is in force.
Also participating in the action are catering services of other airports, such as Koltsovo (Yekaterinburg), Strigino (Nizhny Novgorod), Platov (Rostov-on-Don). The catering service of Kurumoch airport will daily provide full boards including breakfast, lunch and dinner for lonely retirees residing in the Samara Region. The given group of people quarantined in their homes is in need of help more than any other group, since these people are devoid of loved ones to support them. The rations produced by airport catering services might be a remarkable contribution to the mission of providing hot meals for needy senior citizens.
We should remind that given the threat of spreading the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in Russia, most regions were bound to introduce a lockdown regime  for people older than 65 from the end of March to April 14. The lockdown regime for these people must be provided at their domicile or in other premises including in their private homes, homesteads or garden cottages. The social security service is obliged to support quarantined people if it is difficult for them to buy medicines and foods.
20 March 2020 Extra Coronavirus Prevention Precautions 30 July 2020 New Restaurant Opens and Cafes Reopen at Kurumoch Airport
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