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Kurumoch International Airport has invested in new winter service vehicles for its winter maintenance programme.

The Airport has purchased a modernsnowmilling machine, which is indispensable in winter to keep runways and taxiwaysfree of snow and ice. The machine is fully automated and its good maneuveringqualities as well as high performance provide smooth-running process of snowand ice removal.

In the run up to this winter season theAirport has also purchased two auxiliary high-speed snow removal vehicles.Today, Kurumoch is expecting to be supplied with another winter season vehicleof this kind as well as a modern runway landing lights cleaner. Also appearedin the Airport’s aerodrome complex is a new front loader for snow removal, acompressor for aerodrome pavement maintenance, and a surface marking vehicle.

At present, Kurumoch Airport’svehicle fleet comprises 53 vehicles. They are ready to maintain the aerodromein a proper working state at any time, whatever the weather.

22 October 2008 Aviahotel at Kurumoch Airport has confirmed its status as a fully accredited 3 star hotel. 03 December 2008 Kurumoch International Airport has tabulated the results of its business activity for the first 11 months of 2008. The number of passengers handled by the Airport has increased 6.6% as compared with the same period last year.
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